1. Name Schöffmann Sabine
    2. Nickname Bine
    3. Birth Date/Zodiac Sign  28.07.1992 leo
    4. Domicile Drasendorf, Kärnten
    5. Disciplin: Snowboard Parallel
    6. When did you start Snowboarding? At the age of 5
    7. Since when are you equipped by KOMPERDELL? Since 2008/2009
    8. What do you connect with the brand KOMPERDELL? Support by protectors
    9. What were your most important achievements? Junior World Champion twice
    10. What is most fascinating at Snowboarding? The indescribable feeling
    11. What does your bone fracture status look like? Quite good ;) collarbone and metacarpal bone
    12. What other injuries were caused by Snowboarding? NONE
    13. What of are you afraid the most?  Sharks
    14. Favourite song? Hollywood Hills- Sunrise Avenue
    15. Favourite meal?  Pizza
    16. What targets/plans do you have for the future? To improve my Snowboarding and to finish my studies